Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Do Chicken Pox Pictures Look Like On Day 1 Can You Please Help. [[Chicken Pox]]?

Can you Please Help. [[Chicken Pox]]? - what do chicken pox pictures look like on day 1

Not sure. Yesterday and before I woke up with a sore throat, dizziness and a feeling last night shortly after these things I had really itchy rashlike my breasts and my belly.
Today the stretch and in my stomach, a little on the back .. the hind legs and a very small amount on my face
They looked like insect bites, but they are on the rise and are itching and I looked at some pictures and it looked very like chicken pox
What do you think?
and how long had chickenpox?


Proud Mama of 4 said...

It contangeous for about a week after the withdrawal. Then they are dry. There is no immunity "natural" against chickenpox. There were many children there when I was a kid and never caught. But there is a blood test you can take to see if you previously have. Finally, it was vaccinated on 27th Sounds like chicken pox to me. The spots usually start in hot areas like the chest and arms.

Proud Mama of 4 said...

It contangeous for about a week after the withdrawal. Then they are dry. There is no immunity "natural" against chickenpox. There were many children there when I was a kid and never caught. But there is a blood test you can take to see if you previously have. Finally, it was vaccinated on 27th Sounds like chicken pox to me. The spots usually start in hot areas like the chest and arms.

Ronda B said...

Not much you can do to chickenpox. I am surprised that you get, because now a day children are immunized against them. You can ask your mother if the injection. However, if chickenpox, which lasted about 2 weeks. Avoid scratching as this makes them afraid. Search chickenpox as a series of small red spots with a clear bubble in the middle. Use hydro cortical zone a little cream, may help.

2008 World Champion Phillies said...

What they give when they touched? If yes, chicken pox. Going to the doctor for a script to the itching. Drink plenty of wear socks or baths oatmeal and white cotton gloves to prevent scars from scratching, especially at night.

handy gadget said...

You really need to see a doctor and not zero, see the pockmarks causes! A paste of baking soda, DAB ulcers and dry. You can also try a cool bath with baking soda. Good luck!

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